Rehabilitation Management to Improve Respiratory Function in Severe and Critical COVID-19 Survivors: A Literature Review

Sergio Aldira Wijaya, Arnengsih Nazir, Rama Nusjirwan


Post-acute COVID-19 symptoms impact the quality of life, and pulmonary rehabilitation is recommended. This study explored the implementation, outcomes, and barriers of such programs for severe and critical COVID-19 survivors, focusing on improving respiratory function. Articles search was conducted from October to November 2021 through Google Scholar and PubMed databases. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs in severe and critical cases of COVID-19 survivors have a similar purpose in other respiratory cases. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs, including breathing, resistance, stretching, cardiorespiratory endurance exercises, respiratory physiotherapy, relaxation techniques, and education, significantly improved lung function and reduced symptoms. No studies exploring barriers to pulmonary rehabilitation were found. In conclusion, pulmonary rehabilitation programs for COVID-19 survivors with severe and critical cases have improved respiratory functions.


breathing; exercise; physiotherapy; pulmonary rehabilitation; quality of life

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