Comparative Analysis of Routine Immunization Policy During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, India, and Pakistan

Dian Trisna Delfyan, Jaslis Ilyas


Immunization is one of the most important components in primary health services. the COVID-19 pandemic has quickly impacted so many public services sectors in almost every country, especially the health sector. WHO and UNICEF have concluded that at least 80 millions of children under one risked to get exposed to diphtheria, measles, and polio as the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. The decrease of routine immunization coverage during COVID-19 pandemic has also experienced by Indonesia, India and Pakistan which are included on the list of 10 countries with the highest number of total unimmunized and partial immunized children. The purpose of the study is to find out the differences in the policy of routine immunization programs in Indonesia, India and Pakistan in terms of policy actors, policy context, policy process, and policy content. The method used is literature review from several sources such as books, national and international journals, as well as relevant government regulations and policies related to routine immunization programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Literature study shows that the three countries have some similarities of the policy actors, policy context and policy process. The only difference is the policy content in which the policy in the form of technical guidance by the Indonesian government is more detailed, comprehensive and structured than the other two countries.


Policy; Immunization; COVID-19; Comparative

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