Kajian Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Profil Organisasi Terhadap Pencapaian Target Rencana Strategis RS Katolik di Palembang Periode 2015-2016

Martina Ovinda Suandi


ABSTRAKRencana strategis merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari organisasi bisnis. Gaya kepemimpinan dan variabel dalam profil organisasi memiliki peranan penting dalam pencapaian target rencana strategis. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan gaya kepemimpinan dan profil organisasi dalam pencapaian target rencana strategis RS katolik di Palembang periode 2015-2016, dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dilanjutkan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di dua RS dengan tipe B dan tipe C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gaya kepemimpinan yang dominan adalah supporting dengan fleksibilitas fleksibel.Tiga variabel dari profil organisasi (lingkungan organisasi, hubungan organisasi dan situasi organisasi) separuhnya tidak baik. Sedangkan pencapaian target rencana strategis dengan berdasarkan balance scorecard sebagian besar menunjukkan tidak baik.  Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna antara tipe RS dan situasi organisasi terhadap pencapaian target rencana strategis. Hal ini didukung oleh pernyataan para informan yang merupakan anggota direksi dari RS katolik di Palembang. Saran untuk RS dan pemilik: perbaikan sistem manajemen SDM, monitoring, evaluasi dan tindak lanjut rencana strategis dan pembentukan jaringan pelayanan kesehatan dari mulai dari fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama untuk bertahan di era JKN. ABSTRACTStrategic plan is an integral part of the business organization. Leadership styles and variable in organization’s profile have an important role to attainment the target of strategic plan. This study was analyzing the relationship of leadership style and organization's profile to attain the target of 2015-2016 Catholic Hospitals’ Strategic Plan in Palembang, using cross sectional design with quantitative approach followed by qualitative approach. The study was conducted in two hospitals with B type and C type. The results showed that the dominant leadership style is supporting with the flexibility. Three variable of organizational profile (organization environ, organizational relation and organizational situation) half was not good. While target attainment of the strategic plan based on a balanced scorecard mostly show in not good results. The results of the bivariate analysis shown a significant association among hospital type and organizational situation towards target attainment of the strategic plan. This is supported by the statements of the informant who is a member of the board of directors of the Catholic Hospital in Palembang. Suggestion for hospital and owner: improvement of human resource management system, monitoring, evaluation and follow-up of the strategic plan and the establishment of a health care network from the first-level health facilities to survive in the era of Universal Health Coverage. Strategic plan is an integral part of the business organization. Leadership styles and variable in organization’s profile have an important role to attainment the target of strategic plan. This study was analyzing the relationship of leadership style and organization's profile to attain the target of 2015-2016 Catholic Hospitals’ Strategic Plan in Palembang, using cross sectional design with quantitative approach followed by qualitative approach. The study was conducted in two hospitals with B type and C type. The results showed that the dominant leadership style is supporting with the flexibility. Three variable of organizational profile (organization environ, organizational relation and organizational situation) half was not good. While target attainment of the strategic plan based on a balanced scorecard mostly show in not good results. The results of the bivariate analysis shown a significant association among hospital type and organizational situation towards target attainment of the strategic plan. This is supported by the statements of the informant who is a member of the board of directors of the Catholic Hospital in Palembang. Suggestion for hospital and owner: improvement of human resource management system, monitoring, evaluation and follow-up of the strategic plan and the establishment of a health care network from the first-level health facilities to survive in the era of Universal Health Coverage.


balance scorecard; leadership style; organizational profile; target of strategic planning

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7454/arsi.v4i2.2565


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