e-ISSN 2598-3849       print ISSN 2527-8878

Vol 7, No 1 (2022)


Widiandini Prita Hapsari, Teddy Harvi Satrio, Yolanda Orient, Tiara Kania Ladzuardini, Estro Dariatno Sihaloho


This study aims to find out what effects affect individuals to become smokers. So that the influence of socio-economic conditions and smoking habits in Indonesia can be helpful to literacy for policymakers. This study uses secondary data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey 2014/2015 (IFLS-5). The main variables in this study were smoking habits, while socio-economic conditions, social demographics and health conditions as control variables to see other factors that influence smoking habits. Using a logistic regression model, the results of this study indicate that several variables that represent socioeconomic conditions have a positive relationship and several other variables have a negative relationship to smoking habits in Indonesia and some show significant results. In the control variable, all demographic factors have a negative and significant effect on smoking habits. People with heart disease have a negative and significant effect, while people with symptoms of depression and physical activity have a positive and significant effect if health conditions are the control variables. With the results of the analysis above, it ends in a discussion of the Human Development Index (HDI) which can be a solution to the problems caused by cigarette consumption in Indonesia.


socioeconomic; smoking habits; IFLS; Indonesia


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DOI: 10.7454/eki.v7i1.5411


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