Determinants of Family Planning Unmet Needs in West Java and Policy Recommendations during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Based on Advanced Analysis of 2019 SKAP Data)

Ayudina Larasanti, Dumilah Ayuningtyas, Rina Herartri, Margareth Maya Parulianta Naibaho


The Unmet Need for Family Planning (KB) in 2019 is still far from the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan target set at 9.91 percent. Seventeen provinces have a percentage of Unmet Need KB above the national figure (14.4 percent). One of them is West Java Province, with a percentage of Unmet Need of 14.8%. Provinces with a high number of Unmet Needs require the attention of policymakers, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic. West Java is the high-risk red zone category of COVID-19. Increased public awareness of the transmission of Covid-19 is an additional constraint to reducing the Unmet Need for family planning in the community. Therefore, it isnecessary to analyze the determinants of Unmet Need as a basis for formulating policies on family planning services appropriate to be applied during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research used mixed methods with SKAP 2019 data as secondary data to identify determinants of Unmet Need for Family Planning in West Java, and primary data in the form of in-depth interviews with family planning service stakeholders to explore the implementation of family planning services in West Java, including the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Furthermore, multinomial logistic regression using in the data analysis. The results showed that the variables that had a statistically significant effect on Unmet Need Spacing were age (OR = 0.485) and never visits health facilities (OR = 1.616). While the variables that have a significant effect on Unmet Need Limiting are the variable age (OR = 7.101), the number of living children more than 3 (OR = 1.466), rural residence (OR = 0.528), and the median wealth index (OR = 1.536).


Unmet Need; Contraception; Determinants; SKAP 2019; COVID-19

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