SWOT Analysis of PSBB Policy Implementation at Public Facilities or Areas In Bekasi City in March-June 2020

Lidya Dwijayani, Haryudha Haryudha, Hadi Pratomo


Background: The government of Bekasi City has released specific policies related to PSBB, which startedfrom April 15, 2020, until the fifth amendment that will be over on July 2, 2020, due to the high prevalence of confirmedCOVID-19 cases in Bekasi City. Methods: Our study using a combination approach between Media Content Analysis forcollecting the secondary data and SWOT analysis plus Trias Policy Analysis in evaluation and identification the role ofseveral elements related to specific policies released from the Government of Bekasi City. Result: There are some bestrecommendations based on our SWOT analysis and Trias Policy Analysis, such as 1) “New normal” behavior of PHBS inBekasi City community through health promotion enhancement programs on RT/RW; 2) Reinforcement of regulation andpunishment for the violator of PSBB in region area of Bekasi City, and 3) Partnership optimization with social media asthe tool of the policy socialization process that released from the government. Conclusion: The effectiveness of policyimplementation on PSBB in Bekasi City requires active collaboration among government, community, and media. Theparticipation of government through clarity of policy content, participation of people was through policy compliance, andthe media act as the bridging to provide accessible information for the community.


COVID-19, PSBB, Policy, Government of Bekasi City

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7454/ihpa.v6i2.4286


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