Analisa Pengelolaan Kebutuhan Logistik Farmasi pada Instalasi Farmasi RS MBSD Periode Juli 2017- Juni 2018

Suherman Suherman, Atik Nurwahyuni


ABSTRAK Masih terdapat kekosongan ketersediaan obat pada setiap bulannya menimbulkan pertanyaan bagaimana pengelolaan logistik farmasi pada instalasi farmasi RS MBSD. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui bagaimana sistem manajemen logistik perbekalan obat serta berbagai permasalahan yang terjadi pada setiap tahap pelaksanaan di Instalasi Farmasi RS MBSD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik yang bersifat kuantitatif serta kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen, dan penghitungan klasifikasi analisa ABC obat untuk kemudian dilakukan perhitungan nilai Economic Order Quantity serta waktu ReOrder Point pada obat yang tergolong kategori A indeks kritis. Terdapat 571 jenis obat yang digunakan pada periode Juli 2017 sampai dengan Juni 2018. Pada ABC pemakaian terdapat 45 jenis obat yang tergolong kategori, analisa ABC investasi terdapat 72 jenis obat yang termasuk kategori A dan hasil perhitungan ABC Indeks Kritis menunjukan jumlah obat sebanyak 48 jenis yang tergolong kategori A. Hasil perhitungan EOQ dan ROP pada obat kategori A dari analisa ABC Indeks Kritis menunjukan hasil yang dapat dipertimbangkan oleh pihak RS MBSD untuk digunakan pada evaluasi perbekalan obat di Instalasi Farmasi. ABSTRACTThere is still a vacuum in the availability of medicines on a monthly basis, raising questions about how to manage pharmaceutical logistics in MBSD Hospital Pharmacy Installation. The purpose of this research is to find out how the logistics management system of drug supplies and various problems that occur at each stage of implementation in the MBSD Hospital Pharmacy Installation. This research uses descriptive and analytical methods that are quantitative and qualitative by conducting in-depth interviews, document review, and calculation of ABC drug classifications to then calculate the Economic Order Quantity value and Re Order Point time on drugs classified as category A critical index. On 571 types of drugs used in the period July 2017 to June 2018. On ABC usage there are 45 types of drugs classified as category A, in the ABC investment analysis there are 72 types of drugs including category A and the calculation of ABC Critical Index shows the number of drugs as many as 48 types classified as category A. The results of EOQ and ROP calculations on category A drugs from the ABC analysis of the Critical Index show results that can be considered by the MBSD Hospital to be used in evaluating drug supplies at the Pharmacy InstallationABSTRACT There is still a vacuum in the availability of medicines on a monthly basis, raising questions about how to manage pharmaceutical logistics in MBSD Hospital Pharmacy Installation. The purpose of this research is to find out how the logistics management system of drug supplies and various problems that occur at each stage of implementation in the MBSD Hospital Pharmacy Installation. This research uses descriptive and analytical methods that are quantitative and qualitative by conducting in-depth interviews, document review, and calculation of ABC drug classifications to then calculate the Economic Order Quantity value and Re Order Point time on drugs classified as category A critical index. On 571 types of drugs used in the period July 2017 to June 2018. On ABC usage there are 45 types of drugs classified as category A, in the ABC investment analysis there are 72 types of drugs including category A and the calculation of ABC Critical Index shows the number of drugs as many as 48 types classified as category A. The results of EOQ and ROP calculations on category A drugs from the ABC analysis of the Critical Index show results that can be considered by the MBSD Hospital to be used in evaluating drug supplies at the Pharmacy Installation.


pharmaceutical logistics; drug inventory; ABC analysis; Economic Order Quantity (EQQ); Re Order Point (ROP).

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