Jurnal FKM UI

Journal of Faculty Public Health

Universitas Indonesia

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Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal)

Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal) is a journal published by the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia since August 2006 with the title Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional, then used to be National Public Health Journal as a translation. The journal has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in the periods 2009-2012,  2012-2017, and 2017-2021. It is accredited in Sinta-1 since 2020 (No. 85/M/KPT/2020) and also indexed by Scopus for coverage articles published from 2016. This journal is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November.

Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal) is on public health as discipline and practices related to preventive and promotive measures to enhance the health of the public through a scientific approach applying a variety of techniques. This focus includes areas and scopes such as biostatistics, epidemiology, health education and promotion, health policy and administration, environmental health, public health nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, and occupational health and safety.

Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal) was first published every two months since August 2006 in 50 pages every edition with a purple cover. Then from August 2012 to February 2014, the journal was published monthly in orange-peach plus picture cover. Due to managerial restructuring since May 2014, the journal has been published quarterly (February, May, August, November) with an additional page number to 100 pages from 50 pages in every edition. The cover changed into an orange-peach cover without any picture. In order of internationalization of the journal since August 2015, every edition now consists of 50 pages and articles in English. Due to managerial restructuring since 2020, the first issue of the new edition will be started in February.

Since August 2016 (Volume 11 Issue 1), the journal rebranded into the new name; Kesmas: National Public Health Journal. Since May 2020 (Volume 15 Issue 2), the journal was published under the new name; Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal) to maintain the consistency of writing the name of the journal. Since February 2021 (Volume 16 Issue 1) the articles published were 9-11 articles with ±70 pages per issue.

The journal employs a peer-review mechanism where each submitted article should be anonymously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor. Articles published in this journal could be in the form of a research article and an invited review article.

Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal) opens submission for a special edition with a thematic issue, supplement, and proceeding.
For further information, please contact us by phone at +62815-1141-6600 or e-mail: jurnalkesmas.ui@gmail.com.



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Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition (IJPHN)

IJPHN is an online peer-reviewed journal managed by the Department of Public Health Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, which aims to explore public health nutrition-related topics from the regions. We proudly invite all researchers in public health nutrition field (or related) to publish their research papers.


IJPHN publishes original research papers addressing all aspects, including problems, literature reviews, controversial issues, experimental trials, and special articles such as reviews, opinions, and commentaries in nutrition related to public health. IJPHN publishes twice annually, in April and October. Articles published in this journal could be in the form of a research article or an invited review article. Original manuscripts submitted to IJPHN must not contain material that has been published elsewhere except as an abstract only, published in a scientific meeting. IJPHN was first published in October 2020, employing a peer-review mechanism where each submitted article is anonymously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor.

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Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia

Journal Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia (ARSI) was initiated by the Center for Health Administration and Policy Studies (CHAMPS) Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia (FKM UI) and is currently managed by the Department of Health Administration and Policy, FKM UI. The ARSI Journal was published with the Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI) and the FKM UI Hospital Management Association (IKAMARS).

The ARSI Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on service administration and management in hospitals in Indonesia. The articles or scientific manuscripts published in the ARSI Journal include original research, case studies, and reviews supporting corporate governance, clinical governance, or both (bridging).

This journal publishes articles in both Indonesian and English. This journal also provides direct open access to its content with the principle that research publications are freely available to the public for broad benefit.

The ARSI Journal has been published since October 2014; the first publication was named Volume 1 Number 1 (October) 2014. The following publications were published in February and May 2015, with the names Volume 1 Number 2 and Volume 1 Number 2, respectively. However, since 2022, the publication of the ARSI Journal in February will be the first publication of the year (Volume 8 Number 1), followed by May and October as the second and third publications. This new rule follows the norm in journal publishing, where the same volume is generally published in the same year.

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Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration

The Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration (Journal of IHPA) presents scientific articles mainly in the field of health policy, programs, and administration. This journal is intended to disseminate research from students, lecturers, or researchers in general who are concerned about improving health efforts through program evaluation and preparing policy recommendations. The articles or manuscript contained in the journal of IHPA include the realm of research, case studies, or conceptual, and limited to literature review. It is an online open-access, blindly peer-reviewed journal that is published every 4 (four) months or 3 (three) times a year, usually in January, May, and September. Besides the Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, this journal is also supported by the Indonesian Public Health Association / Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia(IAKMI).



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Jurnal Ekonomi Kesehatan Indonesia

Jurnal Ekonomi Kesehatan Indonesia, Jurnal EKI, presents scientific writings on information and updates of health economic in collaboration with Centre for Health Economic and Policy Studies (CHEPS) Universitas Indonesia and INAHEA (indonesian Health Economic Association). Jurnal EKI had been published two times (two number) annually (per volume) in two languages (Bahasa Indonesia and English) electronically and printed. It includes research findings, case studies, and conceptual fields, namely: health economic, health insurance, health administration/policy, pharmaco-economic, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). However, In order to ensure the quality of Journal EKI, the editorial board members have decided to publish twice a year since 2018.

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Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia

Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia is an online journal published by Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia. This journal publishes Epidemiology and Public Health scientific article as respons to development of Public Health and Epidemiology. This journal will be published every 6 months. The publication on this journal will be subjected to double blind peer review process following a review by the editors. For this purpose, we invite researchers, epidemiologists and public health experts to publish the results of studies in this journal.


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Perilaku dan Promosi Kesehatan: Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior

Jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Perkumpulan Pendidik dan Promotor Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PPPKMI) bersama dengan Departemen Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia.

Jurnal ini membahas determinan perilaku sehat, strategi promosi kesehatan (seperti komunikasi kesehatan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, advokasi kesehatan) dalam upaya pembangunan kesehatan di berbagai tatanan (sekolah, rumah sakit, tempat kerja, tempat-tempat umum, dan komunitas).

Bentuk artikel berupa hasil penelitian (original investigation, meta-analysis).

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National Journal of Occupational Health and Safety

National Journal of Occupational Health and Safety adalah Jurnal Nasional yang memuat naskah ilmiah dalam bidang keilmuan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja atau bidang kesehatan lainnya. Jurnal ini menggunakan mekanisme peer-review di mana setiap artikel yang diunggah harus ditinjau secara anonim oleh rekan ahli yang ditunjuk oleh editor. Artikel yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini bisa dalam bentuk hasil penelitian, hasil telaah/review, surat kepada editor, komentar, laporan kasus, dan komunikasi/laporan singkat.

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Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global

Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global dalah jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Kajian Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Industri, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia.

Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global menerima karya ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian, hasil telaah/review, surat kepada editor, komentar, laporan kasus, dan komunikasi/laporan singkat dengan fokus dan ruang lingkup meliputi: Kesehatan Lingkungan, Kesehatan Global, Kesehatan Masyarakat atau bidang kesehatan lainnya terkait dengan faktor risiko dan pajanan lingkungan. Bekerja sama dengan EHSA (Environmental Health Specialist Association) Indonesia dan Organisasi Profesi IAKMI (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia). 

Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global memiliki edisi pertama yaitu Februari 2020 dengan jumlah artikel dipublikasi sebanyak 7 artikel. JUKL telah diterbitkan sebanyak tiga kali (tiga angka) setiap tahun (per volume) pada bulan Februari, Juni dan Oktober dengan full-text Bahasa Indonesia secara elektronik.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi kami melalui:
Email: jurnalkeslingglobal@ui.ac.id 

Sekretariat Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global:

Gedung G Ruang 314

Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia

Kampus UI Depok 16424, Indonesia

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Jurnal Biostatistik, Kependudukan, dan Informatika Kesehatan

Jurnal Biostatistik, Kependudukan dan Informatika Kesehatan (BIKFOKES) adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Biostatistik dan Kependudukan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia sejak Mei 2020. Jurnal ini diterbitkan secara tri-bulanan, pada bulan Maret, Juli dan November.

Jurnal Biostatistik, Kependudukan dan Informatika Kesehatan (BIKFOKES) memiliki fokus pada biostatistika, kependudukan, informatika kesehatan dan reproduksi kesehatan di bidang kesehatan masyarakat guna dapat memberikan pencegahan dan langkah-langkah promosi untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat.

Jurnal Biostatistik, Kependudukan dan Informatika Kesehatan (BIKFOKES) memiliki edisi pertama yaitu November 2020 dengan jumlah artikel yang akan dipublikasikan sebanyak 6 artikel dengan full-text Bahasa Indonesia. Mulai Volume 3 Nomor 3 Juli 2023, artikel yang dipublikasikan Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris (dalam 1 edisi).

Jurnal ini menggunakan mekanisme peer-review di mana setiap artikel yang dikirimkan harus ditinjau secara anonim oleh rekan ahli yang ditunjuk oleh editor. Artikel yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini bisa dalam bentuk riset, studi kasus maupun meta-analysis.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi kami melalui

WA: +62 821-5704-8069 (Yolanda) 

email: bikfokes@gmail.com.

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Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pengmaskesmas)

Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pengmaskesmas) [P-ISSN : 2809-6428 | E-ISSN : 2809-5251] is a health scientific journal which published original articles of public health. This articles Published Twice a year in April and October. Which Focus and Scope in public health issues, including : Epidemiology, Health Education and Promotion, Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Health Administration and Policy, Biostatistics, Reproductive Health, Hospital Management, Nutrition Science, Health Information System. Moreover, Author can submit articles on any issue relating to public health with editor consideration. the Aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researvhers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. the scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including :

  1. Epidemiology
  2. Health Education and Promotion
  3. Environmental Health
  4. Occupational Health and Safety
  5. Health Administration and Policy
  6. Biostatistics
  7. Reproductive Health
  8. Hospital Management
  9. Nutrition Science
  10. Health Information System

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