Pemenuhan Hak Konsumen di Institusi Pelayanan Kesehatan di Kota Bandung dan Kota Cimahi

Juariah Juariah


Kebijakan pelayanan medis secara legal formal telah memberikan perlindungan hak konsumen kesehatan. Namun, sampai kini belum terungkap upaya institusi pelayanan kesehatan untuk memenuhi dan melindungi hak konsumen kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi berbagai kebijakan pemenuhan hak-hak konsumen kesehatan oleh institusi pelayanan kesehatan pemerintah dan swasta. Penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi ini dilaksanakan pada Agustus 2008 - Januari 2009 di institusi pemerintah RSUD Cibabat-Cimahi, RSKIA Astanaanyar dan Puskesmas Garuda serta institusi swasta RS Muhammadiyah dan RB Barokah. Data dikumpulkan dengan telaah dokumen dan wawancara mendalam terhadap lima orang informan serta dianalisis dengan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian meliputi: tiga institusi pelayanan kesehatan sudah menyusun hak-hak dan kewajiban konsumen kesehatan dan melakukan sosialiasi hak dan kewajiban konsumen kesehatan; telah dikembangkan standar pelayanan, tindakan dan uraian tugas petugas serta kebijakan sistem pembayaran, penyediaan fasilitas dan tenaga; sistem pengaduan pelanggan sudah ada meski belum ada tindak lanjut; forum evaluasi pelanggan belum sinambung serta penghargaan dan sanksi untuk petugas belum jelas.Kata kunci : Kebijakan, pemenuhan hak konsumen, institusi pelayanan kesehatanThis study objective is to explore policies of public and private health care institutions in order to comply consumers rights. This study applies qualitative approach with case study method. This study conducted from August 2008 to January 2009 in three public health care institutions that included Cibabat-Cimahi Hospital, Astanaanyar Mother and Child Hospital and Garuda Public Health Center and two private health care institutions that included Muhammadiyah Hospital and Barokah Birthing Center. Data was collected with indepth interview from 5 informants and policy documents study. Data was analyzed with us- ing content analysis. Results of the study shows that: three health care institutions have already regulated rights and duties of health consumers and two in-stitutions have not have the formal regulation yet; socialization about rights and duties of consumers have been done; health care standard and job descriptions have been regulated; policy of payment system, equipping of facility and personnel have been regulated; there is a system of consumer advocacy but the regulation of follow up has not been clear; Forum of consumer evaluation has not been continued; reward and punishment for providers have not been regulated clearly; the main constraint in the application of regulation is monitoring and evaluation; Documents to comply the rights of consumers have not been completed. There is a necessity to monitor and evaluate implementation of the regulations and also to arrange evaluation of provider performance in application of consumer rights.Key words : policy, compliance of consumer rights, health care institution

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