Husband’s Support for Their Wives in Antenatal Care Visit

Awalia Hanifah, Hadi Pratomo, Giang Hoang


In Cimanggis Primary Health Care, Depok City, the coverage of both the first antenatal care visit (ANC) and the fourth ANC was 99.4% (2013) and 91%(2014). The husband support is one of the factors that plays an important role in mothers’ ANC visit. This study aimed to assess predisposing, enabling, andreinforcing factors of the husband support towards their wives’ ANC visit. This was a qualitative study using a Rapid Assessment Procedure. Five husbandsof pregnant women and their wives were recruited as informants. Two midwives from the primary health care were the key informants. Data were analysedusing matrix of qualitative data and thematic analysis technique. Results showed that those three factors, meaning that predisposing, enabling and reinforcingfactors of the husband were very important in motivating their pregnant wives to do ANC during pregnancy.AbstrakDi wilayah Puskesmas Cimanggis, Kota Depok, cakupan kunjungan antenatal pertama (K1) dan kunjungan ke-4 (K4) sebesar 99,4% (2013) dan 91% (2014).Dukungan suami ibu hamil merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan penting dalam kunjungan antenatal pada ibu hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilaifaktor predisposisi, pemungkin dan penguat dari dukungan suami terhadap ANC istrinya dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain RapidAssessment Procedure. Lima suami dan istrinya yang sedang hamil dipilih sebagai informan serta dua bidan puskesmas sebagai informan kunci. Analisisdata menggunakan matriks data kualitatif dan teknik analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor predisposisi, pemungkin dan penguat darisuami sangat penting dalam mendorong ibu hamil melakukan kunjungan antenatal pada saat kehamilan.


Antenatal care visit; husband support; pregnant women

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